To celebrate the arrival of warm weather, new books, the Eastbound Conference, and The Atlantic Book Awards, Breakwater Books is hosting an evening of great literature, featuring readings by Breakwater authors Terry Doyle, Susie Taylor, and Kevin Major, and Atlantic Book Award nominees Sharon Bala, Elisabeth de Mariaffi, and Mark Critch.
Shortlisted authors Christine LeGrow and Shirley Anne Scott, of Saltwater Mittens fame, from Boulder Books will be on hand with a display of Newfoundland knitwear and knowledge.
Join us on June 5 at the Johnson GEO CENTRE (175 Signal Hill Rd.) to kick off the Eastbound Conference and The Atlantic Book Awards 2019.
Doors open at 7 p.m. Readings commence at 7:30 p.m. Reception to follow.
Free Event | Cash Bar | Light Refreshments
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