World War II Shipwrecks of Newfoundland: In Pictures


World War II Shipwrecks of Newfoundland: In Pictures brings readers under the surface of the cold North Atlantic to the ghostly remains of ships sunk off the coast of Newfoundland. Diver and photographer Chris Power’s breathtaking photographs offer a rare view of iconic World War II shipwrecks, all of which are considered war graves.

The journey starts at Bell Island where four iron ore carriers were sunk by German U-boats, with the loss of 70 men, and which have since become popular destinations for wreck-diving enthusiasts from around the world. The reader is brought along on a dive to one of the wrecks—slowly the hull emerges from the hazy ocean depths and the features of the long-lost ship comes into view. The scenes are eerie and awe-inspiring, with the ghostly hulks evoking a sense of reverence for those who served and died during wartime.

The next chapters focus on the three other shipwrecks of Bell Island (including a trip to a German torpedo), and then move to the waters off the Burin Peninsula and the wrecks sites of two American warships, the Truxton and Pollux. Both ships foundered and sank in 1942 with the loss of 203 men. Today, the heroism of local residents who saved 186 servicemen from the coastal shoals is still remembered by their descendants.

While the 100+ photographs are the centrepiece of this book, Chris Power’s written narrative offers historical context for the wrecks, as well as insight into the experience of wreck diving—and the excitement and magic of discovering large-scale historical relics. The book will appeal to divers, adventurers (armchair or otherwise), art lovers, and history buffs, especially those with a particular interest in World War II.

Author Bio

Chris Power

Chris Power is an avid scuba diver, dive instructor, and award-winning photographer. Based in Newfoundland, Chris is well acquainted with the cold waters of eastern Canada, and spends his free time exploring the underwater world and photographing creatures big and small. As an instructor and certified technical diver, he enjoys introducing students to the extraordinary underwater realm, and sees every course taught as a new group of dive buddies to adventure with.

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