Edible Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador: Field Guide


In this guide to over five dozen edible plant species, Peter J. Scott provides a wealth of information about each of them. His easy-to-use guide includes the habitats in which each can be found, basic recipes, a glossary, and references so that you, too, can enjoy the bounty that exists outside our doors. Includes: • Profiles of 140 trees and shrubs • Colour photos of leaves, seeds, cones, and other features • Tabs and icons for quick identification • Same format as Birds of Newfoundland, Edible Plants of Atlantic Canada, and Wildflowers of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Author Bio

Peter J. Scott

Peter J. Scott is former curator of the Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium and a retired professor in the department of biology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. His research interests include flora of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, plant ecology, and bio-technology. He is also a gardening commentator for radio and television programs.

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