Edible Plants of Atlantic Canada: Field Guide


In this guide to over five dozen edible plant species, Peter J. Scott provides a wealth of information about each of them. His easy-to-use guide includes the habitats in which each can be found, basic recipes, a glossary, and references so that you, too, can enjoy the bounty that exists outside our doors. Includes: • Profiles of 140 trees and shrubs • Colour photos of leaves, seeds, cones, and other features • Tabs and icons for quick identification.

Author Bio

Peter J. Scott

Peter J. Scott is former curator of the Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium and a retired professor in the department of biology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. His research interests include flora of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, plant ecology, and bio-technology. He is also a gardening commentator for radio and television programs.

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