Coping With Crohn’s: The Pain and the Laughter


Close to 200,000 Canadian suffer from Intestinal Bowel Disease, a debilitating illness that has no known cause or cure. Due to the nature of the disease, many sufferers are ashamed to talk openly about its physical effects and how it has altered their lives. This book attempts to foster greater awareness of Crohn’s disease and related illnesses. But Sonia Glover’s story is not only about pain and suffering; it is also a story of strength, determination, and the importance of family.

Author Bio

Sonia Glover

In 1987—several years after first developing symptoms—Sonia Glover was diagnosed with Crohn’s. She was 21 at the time. For the past two decades, she has manged her disease while working extensively in radio and print journalism, and in public affairs for both government and the private sector.

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