Boulder Books is pleased to release its latest cook book: From Rum to Rhubarb: Modern Recipes for Newfoundland Berries, Fruits and Vegetables – just in time for happy cooking in the longer, darker evenings.
The launch will be held on Thursday, November 28 from 5:00-7:00 pm at Royal St. John’s Regatta Boathouse, 10 Clancey Street, St. John’s. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Newfoundland & Labrador’s cool climate is ideal for growing many fruits and vegetables. In fact, the province produces leeks, cabbage, rhubarb, celeriac, plums, berries, and other crops that rank with the best in the world.
These flavoursome foods—as well as the rum, raisins, and marmalade so prevalent in Newfoundland & Labrador cupboards and kitchens—are at the heart of From Rum to Rhubarb. Pickavance shines a spotlight on each ingredient in turn, presenting delightful recipes for salads, soups, pastries, ice creams, gnocchi, and much more.
In this cookbook, Pickavance shares his own favourite recipes, gathered from decades of experience as a cook and restauranteur. All of the recipes have been extensively tested. They showcase—in new and creative ways—the tasty ingredients that make Newfoundland & Labrador foods so special.
Roger Pickavance is a retired professor at Memorial University who has devoted his life to the study of Newfoundland cuisine. He is the author of two previous cookbooks, The Traditional Newfoundland Kitchen, nominated for the 2018 Heritage and History Book Award, and Agnes Ayre’s Notebook: Recipes from Old St. John’s. Both of these books are major contributions to Newfoundland and Labrador culinary history.