Engaging Evenings at The Rooms: Saltwater Knits with Christine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott

Cover of Saltwater Socks

Engaging Evenings at The Rooms: Saltwater Knits with Christine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott

Details are available on The Rooms’ website, here.

Date: Feb 15
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Theatre

Come join us for an evening all about knitting with Chrstine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott, authors of the best-selling Saltwater Knits book series!

Christine and Shirley will share their extensive knowledge about knitting and their interest in the knitting traditions of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Non-Member Ticket Price: $11.50

This program is free for members, but space is limited so please ensure you reserve your free ticket online or by calling 757-8090.