If you wish to have your manuscript considered for publication, please mail it to our office (address below) along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). You may also send an email to: info@boulderbooks.ca
- Please do not include any original art or valuable, irreplaceable material in your package.
- Please describe your writing background in a cover letter. A resume or curriculum vitae is also welcome.
- Please only send a query letter and a few sample pages and not the entire work.
- If your manuscript or proposal is not suitable for our publishing program, a response and your material will be returned with your SASE or you will receive a response by email.
- Your submission will be recycled if you did not include a SASE.
- We will not make editorial comments on a manuscript unless we are considering it for publication.
- We receive many manuscripts so please be patient in waiting for us to respond. The review period is usually three months.
Send a synopsis of your manuscript, along with a sample of your writing to:
Submissions Editor, Boulder Books
198 Neary’s Pond Road
Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s, NL
A1M 2Y5, Canada