Xaiver Campbell

Xaiver Campbell

Xaiver Campbell is a Jamaican-born writer who has been living in Newfoundland and Labrador for over a decade.  He is co-author of Black Harbour: Slavery and the forgotten histories of Black people in Newfoundland & Labrador.

These islands are quite different, but Xaiver feels that living in Jamaica, prepared him for life on the Rock. Minus the snow, sleet and lack of sun – the people are equally warm and friendly. When not writing, doing childcare, baking, playing or watching basketball, Xaiver loves the outdoors and can be found swimming in the ponds all across the Newfoundland in the summer, camping and hiking the East Coast Trail.

His fiction has been published in The Malahat Review, Riddle Fence, and several anthologies. His second play, “One Name” is currently being workshopped by Halifax Theatre for Young People. Xaiver’s non-fiction work concerns the lives of enslaved and freed Black people in early Newfoundland settlements.

Available Titles by Xaiver Campbell

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